
Just bag it!


       When I was younger I wanted to save the world; I was anti tuna, wanted to join green peace & travel the world telling people the rain-forest was disappearing and you must recycle, EVERYTHING!!    Boy, have times changed, I recycle items for craft purposes, I eat Tuna like it is going out of style & I don’t chase dolphins or dream of working at sea world anymore. (SIDE NOTE: MUST SEE, DOCUMENTARY BLACK FISH).

       Austin legislation has passed a no bag ban on for all  stores, both local and big chain, will no longer be allowed use plastic bags. I have found this to be somewhat of a nuisance, especially since I have a cute little plastic bag holder that I upcycled & now it sits empty & sad looking. (update, it’s now a toilet paper holder)  At one point I would have loved the whole no plastic bag idea, but the options of handing out paper bags still hurts the environment. Lots of tree’s die for the sole purpose of humans having the capability to carry items from one area to the next. I know, plastic bags are awful too. I don't like plastic bags either, HOWEVER, this being said...
        I refuse to spend a quarter or 2 for the purchase of a paper bag just to carry my items. I refuse to give a quarter or 2 to a large corporation when clearly they are profiting from this & they should be able to give us bags like the dollar tree does.  I feel that we are giving money to a company that doesn't need it because it profits over $34,000 a minute. Now don’t hold that # against me, it could be less or more, but this is where I found the info. It could be wrong or it could be right but nonetheless they make a crap load of money & they can spare us a few cents here and there by giving us the darn bag. Now Lord knows that it wouldn’t hurt us if we  spent a few cents, but it kills me to see people struggling to buy food or essentials & they have to pay.
       I have to figure out a way to remember to bring bags with me. I keep bags in my car then I bring them in and then I forget to bring them back out. Seriously I need a little automated sensor that says DON’T FORGET THE BAGS, as I walk out of my front door. (FREE MONEY IDEA – YOUR WELCOME)  Seriously one day I am going to video tape the cashier’s face when I say no bags thank you. I am that anal about giving someone any extra cash for no good reason, especially when it’s killing trees.

 I need a cute up-cycled paper bag holder. I use my paper bags for recyclable's 

 Just think, if you had 25 people at ea. register every minute buying one bag at $0.25.  That will equal $6.25 per minute, $375 per hour, $9000 in one day for a 24 hour period.  That’s for just ONE bag. Most customers’ buy more than that so I say, No thank you! I will literally shop, pay for my items, put them back in the cart and walk out the door as if I tried to flee with unpaid merchandise. The security guards don’t know if they should chase after me or let me go. I am secretly waiting for someone to tackle me so I can own the store.  JK.    
Great free organizer idea from How sweet this blog.

Another great idea from everyday organizing

Aunt Peaches teaches you how to use paper sorters & lid holders for all sorts of things.

 What are your thoughts about no plastic bags / using paper bags ? Any thing you do to remember bringing your bags with you ? Do you have a cute bag holder? I would like to see it.  I need to find a better system.  

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