
Before we begin:
A little about me, things you should know & this disclaimer stuff
· I am a self diagnosed ADHD person.
· It is a known fact, once I start a project, there is a 90% chance that I may start a few more at the same time.
· I am in extrovert & can slump into introvert mode when I delve into a project.
· I talk to myself…quietly in my head
· I begin projects first then figure them out later. (I’m working on this)
· I window shop a lot & one inspiration can transpire to a slew of projects.
· I wear many hats however don’t own any. Not even a baseball cap.
· I know what I know and do what I do because I am a visual person. I see it in my head then attempt to do it. I eventually research or read instructions later.
· Right after my divorce I bought my first tools as a Christmas gift to myself. I didn’t even touch them till years later. (well maybe I used the hammer & occasionally drank a screwdriver)
· I do most of my projects at night (even garden in the dark) then I am super tired to go to work in the morning. I’m still waiting for my neighbors to ask ... WT?  how did you transform your yard overnight?
· I draw projects out on paper for my husband. If I tell him how I want something done he just nods, puts his hand to his chin & says uh-huh. His way of saying I don’t know what the bleep you are talking about.
· I makeover my daughter’s room EVERY year. It’s tradition. UPDATE : this year she came back from college & she did it on her own. :(
· I can smell something before you do & it’s not in the good sense (Get it?)
· I’m a cheesy clumsy dork, I know it & embrace it.
· Did I mention that I am clumsy?
· I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL ( I didn’t go to school for this stuff, I just do what I do)
· I DON’T endorse one thing or any other. What works for me, may not work for you.
· MY PICTURES – will be watermarked with MELJO’s PLACE. I give you authorization to share, so long as you give me a SHOUT OUT!!!! Hey!
· Any picture that is from another source should not be used by you, unless you have written permission from the original source. I will make note if it has a creative common license, then you can use it all you want.
· If you have any questions about any projects, I will try my hardest to answer them in a timely manner, with as honest and as accurate as I can be. Any questions on love life, mental help, children, spouse or any other therapy will NOT be answered. If a REAL therapist can’t help me, by no means can I help someone else. Somehow my daughter managed to turn out all right.
· I am not perfect & can make mistakes, feel free to tell me, just don’t be ugly about it.
· I take all CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM to heart. I need to learn
· What I share with you as far as deals; sales, discounts, coupons etc… may not be valid at all locations, stores or surrounding areas. Please don’t hurt a fly if you get upset & didn’t get what you wanted.
DISCLAIMER ~ now the fun stuff.
· IF YOU LOOK AT MY PAGE, READ IT & DO…. I am not responsible for your boo-boos, items, & or anything else that didn’t become. I have been hurt, I have made many ER runs, and I have had all 3 come out; blood, sweat & tears. I have been rewarded just as much as I have had to walk away from things & start all over. I will try my hardest to give you step by step instructions of how I did it & how it worked for me. AGAIN, REMINDER: It may NOT work for you & you MAY have to tweak a few things so it can.
· IF YOU DO NOT LIKE SOMETHING I MADE, DID OR ATTEMPTED TO DO… no biggie. I may like it now & in a month not like it at all. Either way, you don’t have to read it or do it & by all means don’t leave a mean comment. That’s just UGLY, probably more so then what you didn’t like about my project in the first place.
· I DO NOT ENDORSE ONE ITEM OR ANOTHER- The products I mention are based on what works for my projects & what I personally like.
· COPYRIGHTS- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, respect copyright laws. Please do not add a link to your comments without permission from the original owner. Please do not use any pictures that DO NOT have my watermark (Meljo’s Place) or any other creative common license. Apparently personal injury lawyers are looking for new ways to make money & changing over to copyright infringement. (that was a joke based in my head & in no way based on any proven studies)
· MY OPINIONS, COMMENTS, OR IDEAS are just that! My dysfunctional, chaotic brain is always on the go & may make me state something silly, crazy, funny, sad or by accident, hurtful. (see lawyer comment above) With no intention & by accidental purging of the brain do I mean to defame, humiliate and or hurt someone’s feelings. PLEASE ACCEPT MY APPOLOGIES IN ADVANCE IF I DO any of the said above- I SERIOUSLY DIDN'T MEAN TO & if you personally know me, I will be very upset & guilt ridden if you believed that I did. (That comes from my Catholic, hispanic upbringing)
· ALL COMMENTS ON THIS SITE are the opinions of the individual authors & cannot be held responsible for what’s on their mind or duct tape their fingers so they won’t type anymore. I will try my hardest to edit comments but I can barely edit what comes out of my mouth to keyboard, let alone others. Politeness is not guaranteed. (future sign idea for retail customer service areas everywhere)
· THE ACCURACY OF EITHER MYSELF, READERS, CONTRIBUTORS, EXTENDED FAMILY, FRIENDS etc… are not guaranteed to hold water in anything. Please feel free to Google, YouTube, go to your neighbor & or actually go to a library open a book & find out the truth on your own. Whichever way YOU decide, it will be on your own accord. You may realize that we are all nuts & that maybe the route you need to take is to figure it out on your own or hire somebody. 
PS I don't get paid to endorse anything. If I mention a product, its because I actually tried it and it works for me. 
If you decide that you can handle a crazed DIY’er, who loses sleep, rambles on & is slightly clumsy, well I say WELCOME!  Now let’s go have some fun.

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