
Blog Love -

I talk to myself a lot, more so then I care to admit. I am constantly writing a blog or doing a how-to tutorial as I drive, cook or make a project. If you were a fly on the wall, you would probably have me condemned.
I am still wet behind the ears when it comes to blogging, but  I love sharing my DIY's and how-to idea's with everyone  & anyone that wants to learn or do. Now how can I share my DIY's, Positive thoughts, my trials & tribulations  & share this with someone else who could benefit from it?
I joined several  meet up groups that I knew would be beneficial for me, my business & my creativity. In January I attended a meetup "getting started right" with Austin Area BloggersThe organizer Joey McGirr invited Cris Mueller to be a guest speaker & at the time, a contributing editor to Austinnot. Cris was posed the question "what would you do different if you had to start your blog all over again".  Wozer!!! This meetup was for me.
I was every sponge's wet dream. Excuse the pun. I absorbed everything & wrote down everything that she could possibly contribute. I listened to all the other blogger's as well. Some were  seasoned & other's new; their opinion's, thoughts,  dilemmas, and everything they shared was taken to heart. I started to understand what I needed to do, what I needed to change & how I needed to start - somewhat over.
My first problem that I encountered was time. I started my business & my blog at my busiest time in my life and though I want to continue my blog, nursing school has to come first if I really truly wanted to finish before I reached my death bed. I need to
Another problem, I needed to focus. Haha - that sounds funny for someone with ADD. Focus, if only it was that easy. Before getting started you must have a subject, theme & objective. Makes sense- even for my miswired brain.
My  co-worker, Laura, told me about bloglovin so I decided to check it out. I found that this was my new black hole. So many ideas, inspiration, direction and great place to meet some pretty awesome bloggers.  
 Is there such a thing as addiction to creativity? Because I think I have it. SIGH!
Eventually I will get the hang of this blogging stuff, eventually. Right now I'm just going to write, share  positive things, projects & laugh at all my mishaps.   



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