
Sorry for the delay -

So many things to say, do and share. Started nursing school and let's just say that it has been keeping me busy. I haven't had a chance to keep up with my blog and I said this was the year that I was going to and guess what... it wasn't.  I have to say there isn't a day that I am not drawing up new ideas to do things, but I have to remind myself to slow down and focus on school.  

Well I promise to post up some things up soon. And hopefully I can post some nursing notes up. Maybe I can help out someone somewhere. There is so much stuff to learn, like they really don't want us to overdose someone with the wrong medication. I mean seriously, do I have to know all this ?  :)   Just kidding. I'm in love with nursing school and even though it is a lot of stuff to remember and sometimes it is really tough, I couldn't be happier that I am finally in the program.  This is what I was meant to do. So for now - have a great day ! And if you live in the Austin area, be safe. Its raining cats and dogs out there. Don't step on the poodles ! :)  

Happy Halloween! 



picture from travelnursingblog.com 

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