

Do you ever find yourself sitting in front of the warm glowing screen, pinning& realize that it has been hours, NOT MINUTES, that just got wasted away?

Instead of doing, you find yourself Pin, Pin, Pin, Pinning.

Have you ever drop your phone because you fell asleep while pinning? I have.

Hi! My name is Melissa & I am a pin-aholic!

Hubby, Me & comedian Iliza Sheslinger -  clip comedy skit  of  women pinning - (contains adult content)

Now here is another question, you pin-aholic you, do you ever get annoyed that your feed gets bombarded by things you do not like ie; needlepoint of cats, babes in bikini’s? Not that there is anything wrong with it, but seriously, not what I was wanting to scroll through 50 x’s the first thing in the morning. {problems of a pin-aholic}
When making a new board, I like to add things on to a secret board first then I make it public. My way of being courteous to those who really don’t want to see my dream board of opening a store of vintage/recycled items or learning how to grow my garden.  I also TRY to keep my boards organized & make sure the site is getting credit. I have yet to alphabetize my boards. Heather from setting  for four shows you how. It looks easy. I shall try it one day. Other helpful hints to make it easier for you to organize

·         Alphabetize (rename boards)

·         Change board covers (read below)

·        Delete & Purge; multiple boards, duplicate pins, pins that don’t belong in  that category

·         Create sub categories for boards with hundreds of pins.  Make it simple for your viewers.  

                 *BEDROOMS: master, kids, guests

                 *CRAFTS:  kids, paper, painting

                 *COSTUMES: kids, adults, toddlers 

·          GIVE CREDIT!!!! Where credit is due!  You wouldn’t want your picture out there for everyone to use & no one knows who you are.

Some people will ask a follow for a follow, PERSONALLY, I am not a big fan of this. No, I am not a snob, I just don’t want to follow someone (a teenager) whose interest is teen music & teen clothes or a guy whose interest is in motorcycles & their babes. Just personal preference. To me it’s not worth a follow request. However, if someone does ask me to follow them & I like their boards, well then YES! Yes! I will. Also I like to take time checking out who pinned my pins. I feel if they liked my pin, then they must have similar likes & I must check them out. I even try to find one pin that they have & pin it on one of my boards. I won't do this all the time, sometimes (on rare occasion) I won't find anything. Other times I realized that I just spent an hour mesmerized  with all their boards & end up following them.

Now back to gaining followers.
Essentially, in order to get more followers you should
  • Be original
  • Cover boards should clearly show what content is.  
  • Share & comment
  • Add profile widget.
  • Use social media & find friends
  • Comment on popular boards.
  • Use hash tags.

Promoting your business via Pinterest
Just Google promote your business via pinterest & you will see hundreds of websites that show you how. But the one thing I learned from all of them, you have to PIMP YOURSELF OUT. Bleh!  One thing that I learned with Austin area bloggers, is that if you are going to be a successful blogger, you need to A. stick to a schedule & treat your blog as if it was a part time job. B. stick to a topic & organize your content.      C. Promote yourself – double bleh! If you have a business, you should do the same thing. Copy Blogger shows you how to do it in 56 ways. Perfect for the beginner, intermediate or seasoned pinner.
Pretty Pinning!

  iFabbo tells you why it is important to have great covers for your board topics. You want to draw the viewer in. AND YES! people are judging the board by its cover. I know sometimes I look at a board cover and I want more info on that particular pin & CLICK! I am sucked into your board. Pretty pinning brings the people in. And if you are a big time pinner, you can even be creative and make your own pins using your favorite photo editing program or just using simple text on your photos.  What ever you chose, make sure your board cover is fresh, eye catching & straight to the point. 
To my fellow pin-aholics - I think it is time to start doing! I say that once a month we need to pick something from our boards and DO! But remember, tasks first & projects later. Don't let pinning keep you from your goals.
How do you keep your boards organized? Do you use pinterest to promote your business?  Feel free to share your pinterest link.




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