
One room at a time! Window Shop Wednesday

Do you ever look at all these wonderful blogs and think wow, how did they do that?  You are on a budget, there are so many projects you want to do, you don't have the time & frankly you don't know where to start.
Well, I'm living in that WANT TO DO PROJECT la-la land right now. I have goals I need to do/finish & I am still recuperating from a surgery I had in March. What's more frustrating is looking at these projects that need to be done, day in and day out. I'm officially becoming a mad woman.
Well Rome wasn't built in a day & I stated WANT - it's not a need.  Every thing can wait and it will get done- Eventually. Be grateful for what you have- which I am every day and chip away at it ONE ROOM AT A TIME! For now have fun, work on your goals & add a new page in your notebook : Goals for home - ie. paint, remodel bathroom, new furniture etc.
Now after you have had time to work on important things, like your tasks/goals, then choose a room you want to re-do. JUST ONE ROOM.  You don't have to work on it right now. Just get a general idea of what you may want. Skim magazines, furniture ads & maybe an idea of what color of paint you want.

Now go out and window shop! Dress comfortably, but cute, go look for ideas & leave your wallet at home. Well unless you find an amazing find. But IT MUST BE IN YOUR BUDGET!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!! I love going to pottery barn especially the pottery barn outlet store. I  get a lots of ideas. Another place I love to window shop, besides antique stores, are stores  that I would never be able to afford. Nice fancy shops. This is why I said dress cute. Tell the sales person you are designing a room & not shopping at this moment. Be courteous as they may work on commission. Letting them know will allow you to look around peacefully, day dream & take photos. You can even take your little notebook, I like to take my iPad. The really fu-fu shops won't allow you to take pictures. This is when I draw in my little notebook, something basic & an idea of how it was made.
If you have never window shopped before, you will love it. You walk a lot,  burn calories, distress, have fun, take pictures, & day dream. Also window shopping allows you to get familiar with high quality brand items or antiques. Perfect knowledge to have in your pocket when you go to thrift stores.
So relax, its Window Shop Wednesday!!  Take time for yourself!  Then show me some of your pictures.
OH PS - If you are busy working- then take a few minutes to do online window shopping. I'm a GOOGLER - So if you like a particular store insert the NAME of the store ie; Pottery Barn/Anthropologie/West Elm  insert the room ie; living room, guest bedroom, bathroom   now insert IDEAS - ta-da- Window shop Wednesday at your finger tips!

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