
Office / Guest Bedroom w/ a Nautical Twist

I'm in the middle of redoing my guest bedroom / office, but became overwhelmed with all these ideas. 


  My father-in-law  painted these lovely nautical pictures while he was ill at home. I never had the pleasure to meet him as he passed a long time ago but he was very artistic in his own right. So when it came time to designing, there was no question that these pictures had to be displayed in the guest bedroom. There was another thing that needed to stay- my mom's dresser. Its a two drawer dresser with gold handles. It belonged to a lady she met that asked her to keep it while she staying at a rehab/nursing home. Sadly she never came back home & I couldn't bare to let my mother know. She asked the same of me, to keep it while she recovered...
So trying not to get sentimental, the pictures and the dresser needed to stay. Ironically  both the dresser & frames had gold /brass accents & with that I decided my accents would also.
This is what I decided; nautical theme / rustic /white/ I think I just vomited seashells, ok that was a little much, but I am trying my hardest to keep the seashells under control. MOST OF ALL TRYING to STAY FOCUSED of the FUNCTION of this room.  This room has perfect natural light & I want to keep it airy & not overly cluttered. 
  Now since this room was going to primarily my office / study room/ craft room / guest bedroom. I wanted to make it my own. Soooo. I went off to search the internet. I searched HIGH & LOW and got distracted & wanted to start another project (A.D.D. LIFE- SIGH).  The thing with design is to make it your own - what you like- what you want - and what WORKS FOR YOU!!  
Top of desk / Father-in-laws painting / Target bedding / Target accents / Ralph Lauren Accent wall color / Plant hanger

What I have done & have.
-One LARGE- HEAVY-  desk that I made from recycled wood.  I really want to make another one.
-Nice rolling chair re-cycled when I went curbside diving for freebies. 
-A solid wood TV-stand up-cycled to a book shelf that I scored at goodwill for $25 - <3 1/2 off days!
-A head board made from re-cycled wood - Another freebie
-Bedding that went on clearance at target 
- & of course I have 3 paintings & a dresser.
COLORS - Ralph Lauren Clay Indigo paint (one accent wall), white, burlap / gold accents
NOW- MY DILEMMA -   Where in the world do I start and where is everything going ? Google, my friend helped me find these lovely ideas.
Love the white w/ natural wood look. And the suitcases!! I'm a sucker for suitcases.
Daly Design
Love the storage & the accents. 
Houzz - Martha O'Harra Designs

I would never get any work done if I had this bed in my office. I would read all day & train my dog bring me coffee wine.

Home design Ideas

Multiple Mirrors & Lucite chairs will make the room appear larger & bounce the light around.
Home Office Ideas

Sail boat & rope lamp with a splash of seashells & candles. I see myself tripping & burning down the place. Yes, I am that clumsy
Russac.com - Nautical Ideas

This is a different way to make everything work. I wish I could work on a small desk. But I love the wrought iron day bed & mirror displays.

I think I would like my desk in the middle with the chair by the window. I love to read in natural light.  Maybe one day I will add a sleeper sofa for guests
Whitley design
I need taller ceilings for the built -in & molding & maybe a bigger room. I love this office.
Nautical office ideas
OH dear! Lots of ideas so little time.  Time to take a drive to the beach, grab a book & a glass of wine for some inspiration. If only it wasn't four hours away! 
Do you have a multiple function room ? Anything that you learned what you could or couldn't live without? How did you get your inspiration? Feel free to share & link up!

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