
Writer's Block.

There will come a time when you sit in front of your typewriter keyboard and you realize that your thoughts just... POOF!!!  Maybe life has gotten busy, you’re under a lot of pressure & or your imaginary friends just stop talking to you.  

Well thanks to a recent meetup group I attended, there is hope. Maybe.

A couple of days ago I was fortunate enough to have attended a down town photo walk & blogging experiment with fellow bloggers.  We met up at Zax (charming place) & after a brief meet & greet we headed out with our their fancy cell phones in hand to explore & photograph down town Austin.  My jitter-bug was not up to par for taking fancy shmancy photos so I brought my cannon.

As we took a leisurely stroll towards the congress bridge, Joey (organizer) told us to take as many pictures as we could. Partial pics work perfect; (feet, wheels, shadows), things that don’t make sense (trash in nature, lost shoe) sky (no skyline just clouds), and then later on the off chance you have writer’s block one of these glorious pics can inspire a story. 
WHAT A FABULOUS CONCEPT!!! And for the cherry on top, if we shared our photos within the group, we were allowed to use them. Perfect way to get different views of the same thing I saw through my lens.

Now every time I have met up with this group (only two times due to hand surgery) I have taken something else out of it then what initially was set up to be. This meet up was initially about using your OWN photographs for your blog instead of using other resources.  After all, pictures are worth a thousand words, especially if it’s your own. 

Now, I am no expert at writer's block dilemma's,  but it couldn't hurt to give a shot.

So here are some of the pics that I took on our walk.  I added a few ideas of what I could write about below them.  Let's hope that I won't need them any  time soon! 
Things to do / see / people

 safety/cleaning/ respecting our parks

renting bikes/wheels/environment
water fun/rentals/people
Love to hear about it!

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