
Comparison is the thief of JOY!

I stumbled on a blog about 'how to get more followers'  it intrigued me so I skimmed through it and realized that, though this blog article was informative, it wasn’t informative for my needs. {should have been get Melissa to restart her blog} As I scrolled through the highlights, one phrase stuck out.

Thanks Picmonkey for allowing me to be so creative! Meljo's Place on Pinterest
I am not a follower, I don’t compare my life to others, after all I am ME and if I wasn’t I wouldn’t have my pride & joy in my life.  So why was I so intrigued about this quote? Good question! And here is my answer; after I did a day hours of soul searching, shaking my fisted hands in the air (holding the remote control) pleading (pinning like a mad woman) “WHY? WHY? Is this quote haunting me?"  It finally occurred to me (while binge watching 'Grey's Anatomy) that I was comparing my current life to my past life. (Thank you Meredith Grey)  I am constantly playing the ‘what if’ & ‘should have’ games. My comparison with MY OWN past was actually chains that were holding me down.  LIGHT BULB!  I'm a smart cookie.

In hindsight I wish that  I would have bookmarked the blog site so I could give this person credit. Though this quotation is apparently from Theodore Roosevelt, if s/he didn’t add this quote to their blog, who knows when I would have seen it. And to this anonymous person, who I will find one day and give credit, THANK YOU! This quote got me off my bum and got me to DO what I should have been DOING this whole time. QUIT COMPARING MYSELF TO YOUNG ME.

I know that there is a lot of  bad/ problems in this world. I know people deal with their experiences/problems  differently & in their own way. But this is what I have to say/ share with you. To those of you reading this, please don’t compare your finances, careers, education, love life or any part of your lives to anyone and this includes yourself. Every-ONE has a reason to do, to be, to love, to show, to share and to be YOU! My friend Lakisha told me one day "You are exactly where God wants you to be".  Its up to you to open your heart & find out why & what you need to do about it. Listen, be patient, be kind, show love, & mark your place here on earth for the good & for your family & or yourself.  After all you are ONE of a KIND, you are YOU!!  

The Positivity Blog!    How AWESOME is this? Happiness & Awesomeness that work in real life!

Steve Furtick - Actual quote ~ The reason we struggle w/insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else's highlight reel. I added the DON'T.  Thanks Gallery Hip for the free vector of the reel.
So here is my question to you...
 Is there a quote that transformed/changed/broke the chains for you? Feel free to share. You may help someone/me flip that switch! 
Will this bring you joy? Only one way to find out. Try it!  



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