
Back to Blogging!

So many new eventful things have happened. Some good, some bad. However who’s to say things that went good/bad, didn't do so for a reason?  After all, this blog is about things being better the 2nd time around. Sometimes through the fog it’s a lot harder to see it at the time. I'm always the stay positive type of person, but it’s ok to be sad for a bit, while in the “moment.” It’s ok to cry, be mad, angry, have a drink (or two), dust yourself off and get up and move forward.

But in that moment, when the world is centering in and you don't want to see it… FRIENDS, FAMILY listen; if you know someone that is in the “moment”, don't tell them it's going to get better. Just listen, don't fight it. Allow them to be mad, angry, upset, hurt & then be there afterwards. When the poop hits the fan, don’t just say you will be there, ACTUALLY BE THERE! Be supportive and help them, be the ear, don’t compare your problems, or state “I know someone”.  Everyone deals with problems differently you can help them reason &  if it’s not possible then help find them the  positive resources. So after a long hiatus, I am back! Positive! Alive! Ready for my 2nd time around and whatever God has in store for me.

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