
Row, Row, Row your boat!

Row, row, row your boat… straight to my brother’s house. Our fishing boat has been in the garage for quite some time. Every year we said that we were going send  the boat to the shop, every year a new excuse came & went with the days! Finally my brother stated he would take it, fix it & dock it by his house. All we had to do is get it out of the garage, get tags for the trailer & my brother would do the rest. We didn’t have to haul it out every time we wanted to use it & we didn't have to pay anyone to fix it, & my brother could use it anytime & so could we, with the excuse I get to see my wonderful nieces.  It was a Win, Win!  Well actually, it was hitting the lotto for me. Between the husband, the brother & I, I think I am the most excited person about the boat getting out of the garage. The boys are more excited about it going back into the water. Yes, it would be fun to get on the good old fishing boat, but seriously, it would be a lot more fun having a workshop in my new bare garage!!!  YEP! not so bare. Actually the sides were semi organized but I couldn't wait and I started moving things around & placing things in the attic. So this is the MAD DIY'er Chaos! Im ok with it because the vision in my head is coming alive.
EXCITED ? YES! I am super stoked! I stopped the backyard stuff to tend to a little TLC in the garage. The garage was my last to do project, but not for this MAD Procrastinator DIY’er- The backyard is on mini hold. I promise to get back on track, for my sanity & for my poor feet. I need to learn to wear shoes! I’m a barefoot kind of gal, doesn’t mix with clumsy. I have stepped on nails (YAY, for tetanus shots) I have stepped on glass (YAY, for temporary mosquito relief, they bite less when blood is available to them) I have stubbed my toe (YAY, no worries about chipped nail polish). I need to replace my old work shoes ASAP!  For now here are a few ideas to help inspire an organized garage /workspace area for CHEAP!!
<Have brother take fishing boat! Bye bye boat!>
Have friend give you all the extra scrap wood out of truck (there is more)
& start building.
This is a shelf that I am building for my OOPS Paint! I love me some oops paint!
Build a paint shelf
for the screws, no tax included & actually its less then that since I only used 2 screws on ea side & wood glue for added support.
Im getting my DIY projects organized. I suspect a few less gray hairs from now on! Im in DIY heaven! I am not going to go into detail with all the organization as of yet,  I really need to finish the back yard, but for the most part I can organize a few things so I can build, build, build, then blog it!



1 comment:

  1. You sure do sound excited with getting that boat out of your garage! Anyway, it's a great idea to fix that boat and make it useful. Also, it's an advantage that your husband and your brother knows how to fix it. No need to spend on labor! How is it now, by the way?

    -Parts Karavan Trailers
