
Rainy day projects

It’s Raining Its Pouring, Melissa is bored & touring…. Neighborhoods that is; looking for diamonds in the rough, in the rain, because I need to fund some project ideas for the great outdoors. Well I found a few pieces & I am so excited to beautify them. My mind is swarming with ideas & lack of sleep is not helping. I am just looking outside, thinking, I need to finish by this Saturday. Of course not all the projects I want are going to be done, but I want to get most of them done so after prom, kids can come over & hang out in a safe NON-construction zone yard. I want to have some fun games, seating areas to lounge & relax.
But for now I will have to do other things, like clean up goose feathers (down pillow got torn into, thank you Bella the lab), wash dishes & clean the kid’s bathroom (bleh).
So you ask, how can I multi task between chores & projects? It’s easy. Before I start, I make a mental note of what needs to be done, what needs to wait (noise, fumes etc.), & what I can do right now & check off my list. I usually start with separating clothes to do laundry, I prepare the sink with hot water to soak my dishes & I move all furniture that is in my way of dusting or sweeping. After I complete this task, I prepare my work area; see what I need for my indoor project, such as drop cloths, paint, screwdrivers, etc. Once everything is prepped, I load some laundry, I start soaking the dishes & then I work on my project. If I need to sand it, I go to the front since I have a covered porch, if not I start priming & painting the first coat, while this is drying I start dusting, sweeping & load up the dishwasher (after I scrub them down) YES, I am that person. After I am done, I will start doing a second coat of paint, then by this time load the dryer & add a new load of clothes to wash. I start cleaning my brushes so I can use a new color if need be & start looking to see what I can put in my box to take back to the garage. I keep a box of tools I am using so I can go straight to them. I don’t like to keep putting items I am using daily up, not lazy but it makes it easier for me to just start working with exactly what I need. And since I am queen procrastinator, I time myself. I give myself anywhere from 30min to an Hour to finish something. I’m learning to take baby steps. Like I said my mind is going a million miles a minute & I need to write ideas down so I can move on with current projects. So back to the rainy day projects… oh PS, it is highly recommended not to paint while it’s raining. The humidity makes it dry slower, though I never listen.

I found a night stand, took away the top drawer (making it into a doggy bed) & built a shelf in its place.

  found a beautiful little chair & this fabric that I loved but I needed to find a home for it & I think I did on this chair. I still need to complete the details, but for now this is it.
& these belong to my friend. She has had them sitting on her balcony for a while & I offered to take them & remake a planter for her. Pics. Coming soon.
 Looks like the sun is shining. Off to take  the completed planter to my friend, pick up some great clearance deals at Joann fabric & run some errands. Be back with some outdoor games soon!
Remember, Mom's day is in 2 days!!! 
Happy MOM's week Xo Xo 
How to's will be coming soon on the above projects!

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