
Second time around begins... AGAIN!

They say that things are better the second time around & I’d like to believe it. I mean, you make a mistake the first time; you learn & do it over, right? Well, I have a lot of do-over’s to share, from a second marriage, to a love of second hand items. I love recreating things from nothing, especially if I can do it for pennies on the dollar.  WE LOVE TO SHARE how to make something for nothing! The Meljo’s love to share deals, ideas, transformations and help others who are in need.

I know what you are probably thinking not another DIY, DIT (do it together) blog, the Meljo’s would like to believe that we can never have enough of those, we all have different things to share & there is always something new to learn. ALWAYS. Each one of us are unique in ourown way, learn differently & do things differently. So here goes… This is a blog about the  The Meljo's, A fun loving, silly crazy, stubborn family of 10. That's right 3 Humans, 3 dogs & 4 chickens.  We are crazy, silly, expert procrastinators with a love for animals & helping others.  This blog will be dedicated to second time around things; from inspirations, ideas, how to’s & every now and then WE will share our 2nd time around moments. 


 Both Mel & John are going back  to college, AGAIN, & the kid is now attending school an hour away. (Insert gray hairs and tears here).  Mel & John got married in 2011, 2nd time around for both of us, so far so good (Mel: I have to say that since John is reading this).  

 UPDATE: Mel so did a do-over with this blog. MEL: A little piece of my sunshine left this world to make the night sky shine a little brighter. After my mother’s passing I went into hyper clean up the " life"  mode. I changed jobs, got more involved with family & friends, and became less involved with social media. I have actually finished projects, learned new things & became obsessed with pinterest, MAJORILY OBSESSED, I need therapy.  So here we go again, the 2nd time around…
PINTEREST: meljosplace

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